More thanks to everyone who continues to donate so that our friends in Ukraine, ground down as they are by an endless and seemingly hopeless situation, constant threat, fear, separation from loved ones, bereavement and loss, financial and health challenges, can buy some of the basic things needed by the most vulnerable and distribute them. The things range from medical supplies both for the injured and for those with pre-existing conditions, to food and nappies for people who have lost their sources of income.
You may remember the man pictured below, he had surgery last year, and we helped him then. He now has a catheter and a wound which needs frequent dressing and looking after. We were able to bring him supplies recently. He is very grateful.

Here's the link to donate, making a small recurring donation is a great idea, it could be a tiny amount that you won't notice, but it could make a big difference to somebody.
Thank you

It's June, and we'd like to thank you for your donations again, which are still incredibly needed and incredibly appreciated. Vitalii has been tirelessly distributing aid, such as here, nappies - and also has medical issues right now. Lying in a hospital bed, he's hearing the whistle of rockets, some of them exploding. An apartment block has recently been bombed in his city, Kryvih Rih. Here's the link, and every penny can be constructively used, to help people caught in a frightening situation they did not choose... thanks again!

It's April already, and we haven't updated you yet this year. There has been less activity to report, for sure, as the war moves from the front pages. Unfortunately though the situation remains critical for ordinary people.
We have received significant donations from the Ligmincha Buddhist centre in Poland, for which we're really grateful. Our friend Vitalii continues to distribute money, medication and other supplies, to hospitals around the country and to families in need in Kryvih Rih, victims of rocket attacks and families who have been bereaved. This includes a boy who lost his parents and baby brother in a rocket attack in December - his life was saved because he was visiting his grandparents at the time. Your money helped both him and his grandmother.
Thank you for your donations. Every little helps. Here's the link.

December 2022 update
Christmas approaches, cash flow is tight for everybody and heating costs are spiralling. For our friends in Ukraine the situation is intensified, as their power supplies are intentionally destroyed and people struggle physically, emotionally and financially in every possible way, through catastrophic losses and in constant fear and uncertainty.
Thanks to your support, our volunteer friends are able to respond directly to people's needs, be it cash for a family who have tragically lost all their breadwinners, medical equipment the doctors in a hospital are asking for, transport for a family to safety, or electric blankets in this harsh winter for those who still have electricity. A few sweets for the kids.

while times are tight for everyone, if you can spare some cash, you will know that it goes instantly (card to card) to a trusted friend and volunteer who gets it straight where it is needed, rather than to an organisation who may spend a significant proportion of the money on campaigning, logistics, or working out what best to do with the money in a country where they don't even speak the language. You also can be assured that this money goes for humanitarian relief only.
many thanks for every penny received. Let's keep warm and look after each other.
Click to donate here
